About Me


My Story

Seven years ago, I suffered what I thought was my first concussion. It was an extremely difficult and challenging time, especially since my symptoms lingered well past the typical 2-4 weeks. As a healthcare provider, I thought I understood the medical system until I experienced it in depth as a patient.

It was eye-opening to see how little was understood about migraine and concussion, especially when my migraine attacks happened every day for two years.  When all my test results kept coming back negative, there was nothing else traditional medicine could offer. This inspired me to dive deeper into the cause of my symptoms and advocate for myself. I found providers who understood, listened, and included lifestyle factors such as sleep, stress, and nutrition in their treatments plans. I am so very thankful to have found these providers in my journey and want to save you time and energy finding these results for yourself.

My experience has shaped my physical therapy practice and was the motivation behind obtaining certification as a health coach. As a Certified Health Coach & Vestibular Physical Therapist, I teach you how to manage your dizziness and migraine so you can get your life back and not just be dependent on medication.

Dr Daly Physical Therapy

Doctor Daly Physical Therapy was created to address the need for more flexible physical therapy appointments. Dizziness, vertigo and balance problems are scary. They affect everything you do and can completely change your life. As a specialist in dizziness, vertigo and balance, I recognize that driving to an appointment is not ideal when you are experiencing symptoms.

Being unable to drive to appointments due to your symptoms delays your treatment and ability to get better. By providing mobile physical therapy visits to your home or office and online tele-health appointments, balance problems can be addressed as early as possible to helps prevent falls, further injury, and stress. The stress of getting to an appointment when you aren’t feeling well is eliminated.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

— Benjamin Franklin

Daly Balance Health Coaching

Many chronic illnesses are manageable and even preventable through lifestyle changes such as exercise, sleep and stress management. In the current medical model, there is little time to address these factors and how they relate to your illness. Having a health coach is the ideal way to make these changes in order to make lasting, long-term improvements in your life.

Daly Balance was created to bridge the present reality with the future of health awareness and healthcare delivery. My goal is to provide evidence-based health coaching while working as a collaborative team with you and your healthcare providers to optimize health and quality of life. This means helping you create healthier lifestyles that can positively affect your overall health.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”

—Thomas Edison

About Dr Megan Daly, PT, CHC

Dr Megan Daly, PT, CHC is a Certified Health Coach through the National Society of Health Coaches (2018), an evidence-based coaching approach and a Physical Therapist with a Doctor of Physical Therapy degree (2013) & Certificate in Vestibular Rehabilitation (2016).

She has experience in healthcare currently as a Physical Therapist, and previously as a Certified Nursing Assistant and Physical Therapy Aide. In addition to her personal health journey, these patient experiences taught her that lifestyle factors such as diet, sleep, exercise, and stress have a much larger impact on our health than we realize. These lifestyle factors are so important in managing chronic illness. Addressing them in addition to the diagnosed illness helps patients improve their health far more than addressing the diagnosis alone.

*Please Note

This website is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace the care provided by your qualified health care provider. As a Health Coach, Megan is not providing you medical advice and you should consult a physician with any medical issues or concerns you have. If you think you could benefit from health coaching or physical therapy, please schedule a free screening.

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